Kelly and Jon Fans From The Amazing Race
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Welcome to Kelly and Jon fans. Here you will find the teams bio, pics, summaries, and much more. Well that's it folks, the race is over:( they came in second place. I will be updating the page weekly now.


Kelly and Jon once broke up on their three-year anniversary, but now are engaged.

Kelly considers herself to be a people person and "could fit in at the presidential banquet or at a frat party". She admits to being quite high strung and obsessive as well. Jon sees himself as an "all-around good athlete" and enjoys skiing, boating and blowing off steam playing football on the beach. He admits that he can be extremely critical of other people.

Kelly, 30, works as a model. Jon, 28 is a real estate agent and has worked as a model and bartender in the past.

Kelly and Jon News
In a recent TV Guide interview Kelly said that she is coming out with a childrens book about the race.

Kelly/Jon won a cash prize of 25,000 for coming in second place.It's scheduled in the spring on their five year anniversary. Congrats.

The Amazing Race 5 application is now available at

The Amazing Race won the Emmy for the best Reality Show. The show is now in production.
Current Rank on The Race

Leg 1 Sixth Place
Leg 2 Third Place
Leg 3 Eighth Place
Leg 4 Seventh place
Leg 5 Third Place
Leg 6 Third Place
Leg 7 Third Place
Leg 8 Last Place Non - Elimination Round
Leg 9 Fourth Place
Leg 10 First Place :)
Leg 11 Second Place
Leg 12 Third Place
Finale 2nd Place

Diesel sighting! (Translation: This is so exciting!)

"Listen, I got it, I got it, badda du, badda du!" Because you don't got it!

Are you stu... retarded? How many Beethovens in the world do you think there are?

Holy sh-poo! You got the clue!

So the Werewolf and Millie the Mole are ahead of us, we're trying to catch up.

Last Updated 9/13
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